Frequently Asked Questions  


What is Women’s Health/ Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy?

 Women’s Health Physiotherapy is a specialty area which focuses on treating conditions related to the pelvic floor, as well as the organs within the pelvic bowl. Just like any other physiotherapy, it starts with an interview, assessment (external and internal) of the pelvic floor muscles, as well as a combination of hands-on and exercise treatment as needed. Pelvic Floor/Women’s Health Physiotherapists work with women in all stages of life and with their ever-changing needs to help improve function and quality of life, whether it is related to incontinence, pre/post-natal, prolapse symptoms, pelvic floor under/over activity and the list goes on.


 What does a Women’s Health/ Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist do?

 A Women’s Health/ Pelvic Physiotherapist focuses on treating conditions related to pelvic floor muscle functions. These include the following:

  • Urinary incontinence/ bowel leakage

  • Constipation

  • Abdominal Separation (Diastasis rectus abdominis)

  • Urinary urgency and frequency

  • Pelvic Organ Prolapse (mild-mod) and associated symptoms

  • Chronic Pelvic Pain, Pudendal Neuralgia

  • Overactive bladder syndrome

  • Pelvic Floor Muscles Pre/Post Natal, (over and underactive)

  • Painful Intercourse, Endometriosis related symptoms

Further training is required to become a pelvic floor physiotherapist and they often treat the muscles and structures in the pelvic bowl, as well as your normal physiotherapeutic treatment often related to the pelvis (low back, hips, SIJ, abdominals). The goal is to treat some of the underlying causes of these issues to improve quality of life.


What to expect? 

The first appointment usually will focus on the more pressing matters as found in the original questionnaire, you will be asked about your bladder, bowel, uterus, pelvic floor sensations, children, as well as other aspects of your life. Additionally, you will be asked about your short term and long term goals so that your assessment and treatment can be comprehensive and specifically tailored to you.

The physical assessment looks at overall biomechanics, breathing, posture, and function. Then the following stages you will be asked for consent before moving on and we will go at your own pace. The pelvic assessment consists of an external and if you are comfortable and internal component. It is quite gentle and allows us to assess your internal pelvic muscle function.

Once the assessment is completed, treatment may consist of either internal or a purely external component as well as home exercises to do if needed.

Again, the goal is to ensure you feel comfortable, safe, and it is a careful and thorough assessment hence why it is not something we rush, we go with what you and your body need on the day.


What to prepare for your first appointment?

Please make sure the online questionnaire attached to your initial booking and confirmation has been filled out 24h PRIOR to your first appointment- give yourself about 20 minutes to complete it. The more detailed the better (this allows us more time for a comprehensive assessment and treatment).


Wear comfortable clothing that you can easily change in and out of (some people prefer to wear a dress as it is less clothing to remove if preferred. You will be asked for your consent and walked through each stage of the examination as it feels right to your and the pelvic floor physiotherapist.

If you have any medications, any letters from the gynaecologist or specific conditions that we need to know about please bring them in or at least write them down.

Finally, because these are indeed longer appointments make sure that you have eaten and are hydrated as per usual.

We look forward to working with you soon!