Can acupuncture help ease side effects of chemotherapy and other cancer treatments?

Can acupuncture help ease side effects of chemotherapy and other cancer treatments?

Acupuncture has long been recognised for its therapeutic effects, and recent studies show its promising role in alleviating some of the side effects experienced by cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiation.

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Ways to boost your fertility: a natural approach

Ways to boost your fertility: a natural approach

As an Adelaide-based acupuncturist, I work a lot in women’s health and fertility - and I’m so happy to have helped hundreds of couples successfully fall pregnant.

Here I write about some tips and advice that I share to all my patients to help with their fertility journey…

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How to decrease stress and increase happiness

How to decrease stress and increase happiness

Unfortunately I see stress and its impacts in every day life in the clinic all too often. Small amounts of stress can be stimulating, but extreme stress will drain us internally, and potentially manifest as symptoms. Headaches, migraines, muscle tension, chronic pain, recurrent injuries, digestive issues, insomnia, loss of libido, anxiety, feeling overwhelmed, lack of motivation, lack of concentration, drug/alcohol abuse, increased blood pressure, fatigue, skin conditions...are all just some symptoms of STRESS. 

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