How to set up your home office - our physio’s top tips for easy ergonomic design

How to set up your home office - our physio’s top tips for easy ergonomic design

All the factors you need to consider when setting up your office desk, at work or at home, in one place. Only professional tips from our highly qualified physiotherapists. Behold the power of the complete guide to working from home, happy, free and without aches and pains.

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6 easy exercises for anxiety and stress relief – that you can do at your desk

6 easy exercises for anxiety and stress relief – that you can do at your desk

Feeling frazzled at work? Coming home exhausted and snappy? Stress has a huge impact on both our professional and personal life. Here are six videos showing easy exercises you can do for yourself at work, taking advantage of key acupressure points to stimulate your body and ease your mind in times of high stress or anxiety.

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Top 3 tips that will help EVERY condition

Top 3 tips that will help EVERY condition

What are 3 features that will help every condition? With my experience as an Adelaide physiotherapist and acupuncturist, I find there are generally 3 aspects of our health that will help our bodies return to a balanced homeostasis, assist with healing and regeneration and perform and optimum peak.

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Why our bodies are like cars

Why our bodies are like cars

I often say that our body’s are like cars:

It needs a service every now and then to keep things running smoothly and to pick up/address any minor issues. If we leave it too long then we need a major service, or even a replacement…

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Top 12 tips for Low Back Pain

Top 12 tips for Low Back Pain

As a physiotherapist and acupuncturist of over 20 years, one of the most common conditions I see is ‘Low Back Pain’. Pain from injuries (muscles/ligament strain/sprain, disc bulges, nerve impingements, ‘sciatica’, fractures), wear and tear/ arthritis, pregnancy, muscle imbalances, scoliosis and autoimmune conditions are just some to name a few.

The following tips are general tips for people with, or for prevention of low back pain…

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